Howdy, my name’s Cindy and I enjoy blogging, gardening, reading and traveling. This website was inspired by my son after he heard me complaining about the lack of decent garden hose review blogs.

When the weather is nice I like to spend a lot of time in my garden. We try to expand it every year, adding new seeds and vegetables and this year we did a lot of work and found out that we needed some serious garden hoses; thus was created.

If you’re into gardening or just want to water your grass in your backyard, then you need a good garden hose. There are so many of them to choose from and many of them are made from toxic rubbers that can pollute your organic vegetables.

This is one of the main reasons I wanted to make this website. In order to inform people of the chemicals that the hoses are made of and can spill into your organic garden.

While most people don’t have an organic garden, the last thing most people think about when it comes to a garden hose it the chemical composition. If you use your hose a lot and it’s made from toxic materials, then you’re polluting the earth.

I hope that you find all the information on this website useful, we really put in a lot of time to find the best garden hoses for your garden!

There are so many to choose from and after looking at over a hundred garden hoses and spending hundreds of hours comparing them and writing reviews, I don’t think you can find a better place online to become more informed on garden hoses.

Thanks again for stopping by and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I’ll get back to your with a response as soon as I can!